Lead Trainer: Dr. C. Inayatullah, Chief Executive Officer, AWARD
This is a summary of the workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction [DRR] and Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] mainstreaming , which was funded and organized by the WHH through its capacity building project TOGETHER. The Ace Worldwide Action for Revitalizing Sustaianble Development [AWARD] provided the technical input and resource persons. The profile of trainers is given in Annex 5. The workshop spanned over 3 days [August 29-31, 2023]. In total 17 persons representing various NGOs, and WHH staff participated.
The workshop objectives were [i] to improve nature and extent of climate-led disasters in the context of Pakistan and their implications on food, water, and energy security; [ii] improve understanding of the climate change led disasters on the achievement of SDGs in Pakistan; [iii] improve understanding of mainstreaming DRR and climate change adaptation in projects and programmes; [iv] get familiar with different tools used for risk assessment at the community and district level, as well as social and environmental screening and gender mainstreaming in projects; and support the localization and implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction [SFDRR] 2015-2030.
The expected outcomes of the workshop were:
- Understood the concepts of climate change adaptation and DRR in the context of the SDGs and the SFDRR.
- Enhanced their understanding on climate change and DRR resilience, and how to access useful tools and resources to enhance local resilience.
- Gained knowledge about different risk assessment tools & techniques used at the community and district level, as well as social and environmental screening, and gender mainstreaming in projects.
- Increased their understanding of using the decarbonization concepts, hazard and vulnerability indices, Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities to assess their city resilience progress for the development of an evidence- and needs-based action plan.
- Leveraging Risk-informed Governance for DRR and Resilience.
- Improved their understanding how the climate-led disaster could undermine the achievement of the SDGs.
- Strengthened their knowledge of disaster risk reduction financing mechanisms and tools for local decision makers and related external resources available, such as global climate funds, to facilitate the implementation.
- Increased their understanding and strengthened their capacities on mainstreaming DRR and climate change adaptation into the project cycle.
The workshop comprised of two modules, viz., [i] understanding of concepts of climate change, resilience and disaster risk management, and [ii] mainstreaming DRR/CCA in programming. Besides presentations to teach concepts, global examples of CCA, and case studies. The workshop spent most of the time on group work so that the participants could brainstorm the situation of mainstreaming DRR/CCA in their on-going programs, and how they could reinforce the mainstreaming concepts at the project/programme/organization level.
A post-workshop assessment conducted at the close of the workshop, revealed that the learning expectations of all the participants were met, and the resource material provided to them was highly useful. At the end of workshop, plan of work was developed and explained to the participants, how they could mainstream DRR/CCA in their organization and transfer the knowledge to others.